Saturday, January 5, 2013

House Face lift - Butterflies

When trying to figure out what to do to make the front of our house not so plain we thought "what better way to add beauty to the front of our house the make some butterflies?" 

We found some plans for butterflies, built them out of 1/4 inch plywood and 1x2 pine, painted them and then mounted them on the front of the house.  

Each time we see them it reminds us how creative God is.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy 20th Anniversary Cake

August 23, 2005 we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. As a garage woodworker the challenge was to come up with a creative way to celebrate.  After sitting in my shop thinking, looking around and thinking some more. It came to me why not build a cake?

Some dry wall cut to size and nailed together, then frosted with drywall mud and paint.  No cake is finished without candles. So to finish off the cake I cut 20 holes the size of quarters in the shape of a “20”. To complete the Anniversary cake I placed in 20 rolls of Bi-Centennial Quarters with a flame glued to the top of each roll.  Then place in each each hole.  

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The House Pencil

When approached by “House” a home school group from Circle Christian to solve the problem of what to do with the name tags worn each day.  Here is the idea I came up with.
